Solving the problem of climate change demands we replace fossil fuels with renewable energy, and but that by itself does not ensure renewables are environmentally or socially “friendly”. In our new paper led by Dr. Uzma Ashraf, we outline a “climate-smart” framework for locating renewable energy installations so that they reflect not only energy needs but also social justice and conservation concerns.
Climate-smart siting for renewable energy expansion [open access]
Ashraf, U., Smith, A.B., Morelli, T.L., and Hernandez, R.R. 2024. iScience 27:110666.
Abstract: We propose a framework for siting renewables comprising 4C’s: Communities, Capacity, Conservation, and Coordination. Climate-Smart Siting addresses conflicts between renewable energy (RE) expansion and biodiversity conservation. It identifies areas where RE offers opportunities and risks as species’ ranges shift. The framework uses case studies to align RE expansion with the UN’s Global Biodiversity Framework.